About Me

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Chico, CA, United States
Tom Cullen is the owner of Community Care Options, a California State approved vendor operated by a team of caring professionals with more than 30 years of experience in the field. Community Care Options is dedicated to providing continuing education to administrators of both Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly and Adult Residential Facilities and assist in keeping those facilities compliant with state regulations.

Friday, January 18, 2013

SSI / SSP Rates for 2013

I just wanted to make you all aware of the updated rates for SSI/SSP.  Please  refer to this Evaluator's Manual change for the specifics OR continue reading below.


Non-Medical Out-of-Home Care (NMOHC) Payment Standard
Effective January 1, 2013
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) $710.00
State Supplementary Payment (SSP) $412.00
Total NMOHC Payment Standard $1122.00*
The NMOHC Payment Standard includes the following components:
Room and Board $482.00
Care and Supervision (maximum) $511.00
Amount Payable for Basic Services $993.00**
Personal and Incidental Needs Allowance
(must be provided to the recipient) (minimum)
* Amounts are double for SSI/SSP couples
** NOTE: Recipients who have income in addition to their SSI/SSP check (for example, a pension, Social Security retirement, or disability benefits) can be charged the $993.00 amount for basic services plus an additional $20. Because federal rules do not count the first $20 of a recipient's income against his/her SSI/SSP grant, an SSI/SSP recipient with other income has an extra $20 that people who receive only an SSI/SSP check do not have. Neither federal nor state law restricts the recipient in how this additional $20 is spent. Thus, if the recipient agrees in the admission agreement to pay the additional $20 for basic services, the facility may charge the additional amount.