About Me

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Chico, CA, United States
Tom Cullen is the owner of Community Care Options, a California State approved vendor operated by a team of caring professionals with more than 30 years of experience in the field. Community Care Options is dedicated to providing continuing education to administrators of both Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly and Adult Residential Facilities and assist in keeping those facilities compliant with state regulations.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sun and Heat Protection

The warm weather is approaching.  Soon it will be hot.  This is the time of year when we start taking our residents outside for cookouts and garden parties.  You've planned out all the details for your parties - the food, the drinks, the music - but don't forget the most important details for your residents - THE SUN PROTECTION!

As people grow older their skin gets thinner.  Skin damage among the elderly is a high concern since their aged skin cannot rejuvenate as well as it once could.  Elderly people may forget that fact.  Sun damage is the greatest threat to skin, especially among the very young and the very old.  We must be diligent about protecting their skin.  Here are a few tips to help out.
  • Sunbathing is a bad idea.  Use an umbrella or sunshade whenever sitting outside in the sun.  Any shade will help.  Trees are our friends.
  • Use sunblock that protects against UV-A & UV-B with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher.
  • Limit outside time between the hours of 10am-4pm.  The sun is strongest during these times.  If your residents like to walk have them do so before 10am or after 4pm.  Mornings are best!
  • Don't forget the eyes.  Eyes can burn as well.  Be sure the sunglasses have a UV protection rating.
  • Stay hydrated!  Drink plenty of water.  After coming in from the sun drink juice or Gatorade to replenish salts and electrolytes.
  • Limit physical activity.  Lay low on hot days to prevent heat related illnesses.
For information on heat related illness try the following links:

Download this guide from Californian Department of Social Services on Heat Related Illness

Download this guide from the American Cancer Society on Skin Cancer

If you have a question that you would like to have answered on Tuesdays with Tom send him an email.  Use the subject line Questions for Tom in your email. 
Email Tom at info@communitycareoptions.com