As residential care providers it is our responsibility to provide
safe and inclusive living environments. Safety is truly a vital part of
what we do daily but sometimes it's easy to forget how to be welcoming
and inclusive.
Recently I was called by a program analyst from CCLD who asked me
if Community Care Options offered any training related to aging Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual or Transgender adults. Honestly, I was left speechless
for a moment. I answered, "no, but we do address some topics related to
homosexuality in our HIV/AIDS training", and then I wondered why I'd
never developed a course for LGBT. I was then informed that it is a
topic that CCLD would like to see addressed. I called some friends and
one of them turned me to this website,
After reviewing this site and some of the related resources I realized
that training on how to best welcome and include LGBT adults into our
care homes is vital to our success as care providers. Please review the
information on this site and download the Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults guide.