About Me

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Chico, CA, United States
Tom Cullen is the owner of Community Care Options, a California State approved vendor operated by a team of caring professionals with more than 30 years of experience in the field. Community Care Options is dedicated to providing continuing education to administrators of both Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly and Adult Residential Facilities and assist in keeping those facilities compliant with state regulations.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Disaster Plan

We've all been shaken by the events in Japan. Our hearts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by the tsunami and to those who are risking their lives to help.

Natural disasters like this should remind us to evaluate our own emergency and disaster preparedness. CCLD has a great self evaluation resource for this purpose. Compliance should not be the only reason for good planning. We have committed ourselves to providing excellent care to our residents. Their safety is our first priority.  Please take the time to review the self evaluation and make sure you meet or exceed every item on the checklist.

You can print the CCLD Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Self Evaluation here.

You can review and print the FEMA guide here.

The American Red Cross and CalEMA offer a Preparedness Training and other resources here.